Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Signaling pain

A vicious gastrointeritis virus is taking Paris by the storm these days, and Milo caught it. He was suspiciously quiet all day yesterday and as soon as I got home and the nanny left, he suddenly begun throwing up on himself. It was the first time this happened to him and I could sense his preoccupation in trying to understand what was it all about. But the main evolution lays in the fact that, for the first time, he signaled his pain and where he felt it.
“Mamma…bibi, bibi...” he moaned several times, while rubbing his belly.
Another step forward toward efficient communication!


Alice said...

Is this the stomach flu that's quite vicious yet lasts only a day? Or is it something else? We had something like that here and it's true, it's like an epidemic, almost. Hope Milo gets better soon and don't catch it yourself!!!

L said...

Yes, I hope he feels better soon! We had this virus too, the days leading up to my trip to Brazil, I fell sick just when we got to the airport before my trip alone with my two boys!! In Brazil everyone caught it (my parents, brother, sister-in-law, even the cleaning lady!).

Oh, and I just added your blog to my blogroll :)