Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Choosing a multilingual-baby name": the first Eurapsody column

Starting this month, I'll be contributing a monthly column called Eurapsody at the Bilingual/Bicultural Family Network (BBFN). It's one of the most dynamic and fun reading community sites for families dealing with multilingualism and multiculturalism.

Founded and heralded in Seattle by a very inspired woman named Corey Heller, the site is developing fast and includes contributors from several parts of the world.

The first piece concernes 8 useful tips while choosing the name for your future multilingual child!

Other clever columns include Multicultural Melange by Alice , on raising her children trilingually, as well as One Family, One Language by Lilian.

Make sure you sign up for the monthly newsletter, so you can be regularly multiculturally informed!


Eddie Lin said...

Really great article at Eurapsody! Fun, entertaining and educational. Infotainment at its best. Good luck & congratulations on the Eurapsody project.

Will the name Sanders possibly be back on the name list for lil' bro?

giovanni said...

When my wife started writing stories she gave "me" the name of Milo. I have two sisters living in France and Greece respectively. The first one is called Myriam and that name seems to fit perfectly in France, the second Barbara and that name fits perfectly in Greece. Googling Milo, Myriam and Barbara I got the following quote as first hit: "Barbara che ha promesso a Myriam, in punto di morte, di prendersi cura del suo bambino, ritiene il piccolo già suo figlio. Sarà chiamato Milo..."
So mixing Dutch, French, Greek names seems to end up in Italian texts! What do you think about that?
PS: We have a Sander living in our souterrain -- he is the blond.

Sara said...

Great blog! I just found you through the expat blog site. I'm American and my Husband is Austrian and we live/work in France/Switzerland. Just starting to contimplate how it will all work out with languages and a baby, its great to read about your experience!

Anonymous said...

Clo, I really enjoyed your article - it made me laugh as well as set me thinking! My husband and I are already having these conversations, even though I'm not pregnant yet, and they are quite a lot like yours was. You would think that with Hebrew/English this wouldn't be much of a problem, since Hebrew biblical names entered so many languages long ago, but add to that my culture's tradition of never naming a baby after a living family member, and the choices get far fewer. Then there is the matter that many biblical names common in the US are names no one would give a baby in Israel! Yikes. I think your choice was lovely and I hope we will be similarly inspired.

Clo said...

Eddie, thanks for the compliments- coming from you it's areal honor!!!No, Sander will not be taken in consideration for Milo's brother! We want to start from scratch!

Giovanni, what a coincidence! I love this casualty...serendipity...

Sara, thanks for stopping by and hope you'll keep on reading, and tell us about your experience when the time comes!

Tamar, how fascinating! Do let us know your baby name choice! Good luck!